+39 030 55 42 696
2e20go Electric Vehicles Rental and Sharing
Sede Sarnico: Corso Europa, 19 - 24067 Sarnico (BG)
Sede Iseo : Via XX Settembre (Park Stazione) - 25049 ISEO (BS)
Tel. +39 030 55 42 696 - Mob. + 39 393 939 8167 -
2e20 S.r.l.s. - Via Gesualdo Bufalino, 5 - 95041 Caltagirone (CT) - P.Iva 05481280872 - Mob. +39 030.5542696 -
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Scarica il Manuale d'Uso
Registration Private User
Contratto di noleggio e regole fondamentali di comportamento
Premises and definitions
<< Electric vehicle >>, later << Vehicle >> is the object of the rental. For << Vehicle >> you can understand, according to the case, both the electric pedal assisted bicycle, both the electric scooter (motorcycle or moped) and the electric mini-car, however the list of vehicles can be found in the price list available in the activity point where the relative costs are highlighted.
<< Lessor >> is the one who grants to another party, called << Conductor >>, the enjoyment of the movable property << Vehicle >> for a certain time, after a specific consideration.
ART. 1) General requirements and conditions.
1.1 Vehicles are rented only to people over the age of 18, children older than 14 years will be able to use the vehicle provided that the rental is carried out by the parent or by the parent parental authority expressly authorizing the child to use the vehicle . However they can not be rented in the name or on behalf of third parties.
1.2 The documents required for the rental of the vehicle are: the valid identity card or driving license; credit card, guarantee checks or security deposit, necessary for the remuneration of the rental service.
1.3 The Lessor shall deliver to the Driver the vehicle best identified on the front of this agreement, in an excellent state of maintenance. Under the same conditions, the vehicle must be returned by the Tenant to the Lessor at the end of the rental period.
1.4 The Lessee taking delivery of the vehicle, by signing the rental contract and the specific approval of these general conditions, declares to have verified that the electric vehicle is in a good state of maintenance and suitable for the agreed use.
1.5 The Tenant undertakes not to provide false information on his / her personal details, age, address and existence of the legal requirements for driving qualification, expressly exempting the Lessor from any prejudicial consequence deriving from the latter in case of false declarations.
ART. 2) Obligations of the tenant.
2.1 Driving the vehicle with the approved helmet worn, in the case of renting a scooter, and transporting the passenger only with the approved helmet worn, to keep the vehicle, together with the equipment provided (helmet included), with the utmost diligence and in compliance with all the laws.
2.2 Use the vehicle with care and caution, not to subject it to high efforts, or to use in races and competitions. Any damage and damage suffered by the vehicle due to negligence, malice and negligence (falls, accidents, bruises) will be considered to be borne by the tenant. In the event of damage exceeding the value of the vehicle, the market price of the vehicle will be considered to be borne by the tenant.
2.3 Provide directly for the payment of any contraventions contested during the rental period.
2.4 relieve the Lessor from any claim and / or request made by third parties for damages suffered and / or suffered from their property, however, attributable to this rental.
2.5 Reimburse the Lessor, upon presentation of an invoice, of all expenses, including legal expenses, that the Lessor himself must sustain to obtain the fulfillment of the pecuniary obligations due to any title.
2.7 To return the vehicle in order and under the same conditions found at the time of rental. Any damage to the motorcycle will be detected upon return and counted the related cost of restoration due by the Driver.
2.8 The Tenant recognizes that he / she does not hold any real right over the rented vehicle and the accessories supplied and, therefore, can not be disposed of in any way during and after the rental.
ART. 3) Conductor commitments.
3.1 The Driver undertakes to conduct or use the vehicle personally and not to surrender, for free or for consideration, and for any reason the use to third parties, and in particular undertakes that the Vehicle is not used:
· • For the transport of people or goods towards compensation.
· • To push or tow objects.
· • Under the influence of drugs, narcotics, alcohol or intoxicants or other substances that alter the ability to understand and react;
· • In racing, on the track and competitions or speed tests.
· • For a purpose contrary to the law.
3.2 The Customer is responsible, in any case, for the actions and omissions of whoever conducts the rented vehicle.
3.3 The tenant is required to comply with the terms and conditions contained in the rental contract duly completed and signed.
ART. 4) Security deposit.
4.1 The Lessee pays to the Lessor at the same time as the signing of this contract, the sum established in the appropriate price list displayed in the place of activity as a deposit (CASH OR CREDIT CARD); the deposit will be returned to the Tenant upon return of the vehicle, ascertained the absence of defects or damage caused to the same.
4.2 The deposit may also be used to pay the costs in case of loss of keys or vehicle registration documents.
4.3 The deposit may be used to cover damages to third parties that imply the payment of the insurance excess.
4.4 The Lessee undertakes to compensate the Lessor for any damage deriving from the theft of the vehicle or parts thereof if not covered by the insurance policy of the vehicle itself, fully corresponding to the value of the deductible indicated in the policy.
4.5 With the present agreement only the vehicle's possession is transferred to the Driver, remaining the possession of the same in the full availability of the Lessor.
4.6 In case of violations of the articles of this contract, the Lessor reserves the right to terminate the contract at its sole discretion and request the Lessee to immediately return the vehicle in question. In this case, the Lessor only returns the difference in the rental price for the period of non-use, or withholds the said amount if damage to the Vehicle is found to be greater than the deposit paid.
ART. 5) Reservations and cancellations.
5.1 The vehicles can be reserved by telephone or in person in the appropriate Vehicle check-in point. When booking the vehicle, in any case, the Customer must provide a copy of the valid identity document or driving license. The reservation will be made upon payment of 30% of the fare relating to the vehicle and the period chosen to confirm booking.
5.2 The Customer undertakes not to provide false or false documents and / or information, assuming all responsibility arising from the violation of this clause in accordance with current legislation.
5.3 In case of cancellation of the booking by the Customer the Lessee will retain the amount paid as a deposit.
ART.6) Methods of rental and accessories, Method of payment.
6.1 Prices inclusive of I.V.A. and third party liability insurance with exemption in the event of a claim only in the case of hire of mopeds, motorcycles and minicars. Electric bikes with pedal assistance can not be insured. For some vehicles it is possible to take out the kasko insurance with deductible with a possible supplement.
6.2 For the scooter the helmet is already included in the rental price and the use is mandatory.
6.3 The rental has a minimum duration of 2 hours.
6.4 The vehicle is delivered with 100% charged batteries and must be returned with the same charge, exclusively for the rental of mopeds, motorcycles and electric mini-cars for whole days.
6.5 Accessories excluded from the rental cost:
• Rental electric mini-car trunk;
• Driver insurance for mopeds, motorcycles and electric mini-cars.
• kasko insurance with excess (if applicable)
ART. 7) Delivery and return.
7.1 The vehicles are delivered at the place where the activity takes place and must be returned on the agreed date and time.
7.2 Since the vehicles are delivered in good conditions of conservation and operation, the Driver is required to check the conditions of the hired vehicle before using the vehicle and must present, in writing, any comments on the state of the bodywork or mechanics.
7.3 It is expressly forbidden to return the vehicle during the closing time of the Lessor and, in any case, the vehicle must be delivered in the hands of an agent, except by written agreement with the Lessor.
7.4 In the event of a delay in delivery of more than 15 minutes, the Customer will be required to pay the fare scheduled for the time band following the agreed one.
7.5 The vehicle must be returned to the Lessor equipped with all the accessories, keys and existing documents. Otherwise the Customer agrees to pay a penalty according to art. 13 of this, that the Lessor is authorized to withhold from the sum deposited by the Customer as a deposit.
7.6 In the event of early termination of the rental period by the Driver's choice, or in any case not for the fault, fault or request of the Lessor or for technical failures of the vehicle not attributable to the Driver, it will not be possible for him to obtain a refund of the fee relating to the remaining period of non-use of the vehicle.
7.7 The Customer undertakes to communicate to the Lessor, upon return of the vehicle, any administrative penalties / mu
ART. 8) Insurance coverage.
8.1 All vehicles except electric pedal assist bikes are covered by liability insurance (RCA), which covers damage caused to third parties, excluding the driver, and are not covered by Kasco insurance. The validity of the insurance coverage made available by the landlord is subject to compliance by the Client with all relevant provisions.
8.2. The Driver is not guaranteed by insurance coverage:
· • For damage to the rented vehicle when these have been caused by accidents in which the Driver is responsible for the same;
· • Damage to the rented vehicle when the Driver is not able to provide data and elements suitable for reconstructing the event or identifying the investor vehicle;
· • For damages that affect the driver, the transported persons and their objects and luggage;
· • When the vehicle is used for illegal purposes, for speed competitions or races of any kind, the trailer and freight transport;
· • When the rented vehicle is driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
· • For damages resulting from accidents not reported within the prescribed time;
· • For damage caused intentionally, or due to non-compliance with the regulations of the highway code, or caused by negligence on the part of the Customer;
· • For damages for civil liability and damage to third parties and things beyond the policy limits;
· • For damage caused by vandalism, atmospheric events, manifestations, explosions, fires, earthquakes;
8.3 In case of theft or fire or attempted theft, the Customer is obliged to file a regular complaint to the competent authorities (Police or Carabinieri) presenting an original copy to the lessor.
8.4 The Customer is responsible for the case of theft or fire of the vehicle. This liability is conventionally limited, except in case of willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Driver, to a maximum amount that varies according to the rented vehicle and is indicated as "exemption" in the rental contract.
8.5. The damage suffered by the Lessor is totally charged to the Customer:
· • in case of intent or gross negligence of the Driver;
· • in the event that the Customer does not return the keys to the Lessor;
· • in cases where the insurance does not fully compensate the damage to the lessor.
8.6 The landlord may, in its sole discretion, not grant a replacement vehicle in the event of theft, fire or serious accident of the rented vehicle, irrespective of the reasons for the event.
8.7 The rental fee is due up to the date of delivery of the copy of the complaint, in addition to the amount of any excess.
ART. 9) Claims.
9.1. If an accident occurs, the Customer is required to:
a) Immediately inform the Lessor by telephone, transmitting in the next 12 hours the CID completed in detail in all its parts, or in the absence of such complaint present a detailed self-certification of the facts;
b) Inform the nearest police authority;
c) Do not make statements of responsibility;
d) Take note of all the names and addresses of the parties and any witnesses, including the details of the insurance companies of the vehicles involved (company, policy number, agency);
e) Provide to the Lessor any other useful information;
f) Follow the instructions that the Lessor will provide regarding the custody and / or repair of the vehicle.
9.2 The Driver undertakes to compensate the Lessor for any damage caused to the vehicle or to parts and accessories thereof, as well as to refund the administrative costs of the accident. The Driver undertakes to communicate within 1 hour of the incident, any accident (even minimal) that occurred during the rental period of the vehicle.
ART. 10) Breakdowns.
10.1 In the event of technical failure of the rented Vehicle not attributable to the Driver, and which precludes the possibility of using the vehicle, the Lessor shall, if in his own availability, replace the Vehicle with a similar one. In case of impossibility, the Lessee will reimburse the portion of the part not used for the rental period already paid. (Compensation for further damages is conventionally excluded.)
10.2 The Lessor undertakes to reimburse to the Customer the sums for repairs due to vehicle faults, provided they are invoiced by the Lessor and have been previously authorized by the Lessor. In any case, unauthorized repair invoices will not be reimbursed by the Lessor.
10.3 In the case of a tire puncture of the rented Vehicle, the Driver is obliged to promptly inform the Lessor of the drilling for obvious reasons of safety for persons and property. The repair will be carried out at the complete charge of the tenant.
10.4 The abandonment of the Vehicle without the proper authorization by the Lessor entails the Driver's obligation to reimburse all direct and indirect expenses necessary for the recovery
ART. 11) Sequestration of the vehicle.
11.1 In case of seizure / confiscation of the Vehicle by the judicial authorities for reasons attributable exclusively to the Driver, the Lessor will charge the Driver the daily rental cost calculated on the present contract until the release of the Vehicle, (with a ceiling equal to the value of replacement of the vehicle on the expiry date of the agreed rental period.
ART. 12) Limitations of liability of the lessor.
12.1 The Lessor can not be held responsible towards the Driver, or the driver of the Vehicle and / or its transported, for damages of any kind, including economic damage, they have to suffer in case of traffic accidents.
12.2 And so the Lessor can not be held responsible for any damage occurred as a result of theft or an event of force majeure, such as earthquakes, landslides, riots, wars or fortuitous events.
12.3 The objects eventually forgotten by the Driver on the Vehicle being rented, will be considered abandoned if the Driver does not communicate by telephone his own forgetfulness in good time, or presents himself personally to the rental point where he took delivery and has then returned the Vehicle, within a maximum of 1 day. Once this deadline has passed, the Lessor is no longer required to keep these objects under his own responsibility and to return them.
12.4 During the entire rental period, the Lessor is relieved of any sort of responsibility on the objects owned by the Driver, such as weapons, explosives, drugs or other illegally held in accordance with the national legal system. In the same way, the Lessor declines all responsibility for the theft or loss of the personal belongings of the Tenant.
ART. 13) Penalties in case of theft or loss
13.1 Failure to return the vehicle for loss or theft proven by a specific complaint to the competent authorities will result in a penalty for damages of Euro 200.00 in the case of a pedal assisted bike, € 1,000.00 in the case of scooters and € 5,000 , 00 in the case of an electric mini-car. This penalty will be charged to the tenant directly on the credit card provided at the time of rental or by collecting the guarantee check withheld at the time of rental or with other methods deemed appropriate.
13.2 Failure to return the original Passbook of the vehicle, even if lost or stolen, will result in the client's duty to compensate the charterer for the full cost of re-registration of the vehicle, to be quantified at the time of actual re-registration, and presumably equal € 180.00 for mopeds and € 350.00 for motorcycles and mini-cars. Failure to return the vehicle to the date and time agreed in this contract will result in the unlawful possession of the customer, and will also oblige the customer to pay a penalty, for each day or fraction of a day, equal to the sum of the daily rental increased by 15% for the first week, and 25% up to the date of redelivery or the date on which the rental company re-enters the vehicle.
ART. 14) Privacy.
14.1 In execution of the art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code") and art. 13 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, the lessor informs the purchaser that the collection and processing of personal data will be carried out by the Lessor with the following purposes:
a) a) To implement the contractual obligations;
b) b) Perform marketing and advertising activities;
c) c) Send informative and promotional material;
d) d) Perform statistical analysis for marketing purposes;
e) e) Fulfillment of obligations provided for by laws and regulations, even Community ones, as well as by instructions given by legitimate authorities and by supervisory and control bodies;
14.2 The treatment will take place in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and security provided by the law, by the landlord or even through third parties. The lessor informs the user that the provision of data relating to identity, domicile, payments is essential for the execution of the contract and therefore the failure to provide consent will be impeding the provision of services offered by the landlord.
14.2 The treatment will take place in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and security provided by the law, by the landlord or even through third parties. The lessor informs the user that the provision of data relating to identity, domicile, payments is essential for the execution of the contract and therefore the failure to provide consent will be impeding the provision of services offered by the landlord.
14.3 The art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 recognizes the following rights:
· • Free access to the register kept by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, to verify the existence of data processing that may concern you;
· • Be informed on the Data Controller and, if appointed, on the Data Processor, as well as on the purposes and methods of the processing;
· • The cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the Law;
· • Updating, rectification or integration of data;
· • The attestation that the operations referred to in the preceding points have been brought to the attention of the subjects to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated; -contract the processing of data for legitimate reasons;
· • Oppose, in whole or in part, to the processing of data concerning you for the purposes of commercial information, the sending of advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or interactive commercial communication and to be informed by the Owner of the possibility of exercising this right for free.
The original of this contract (composed of 4 facades) and can be viewed in the rental point or on the website by the customer.
Pursuant to art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code") and art. 13 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter, "GDPR"), the customer is informed that the owner and manager of the treatment is 2e20 S.r.l.s. Via G. Bufalino, 5 - 95041 Caltagirone (CT) Italy
and that it is possible to request information, modifications or deletions of the data provided by writing directly to the aforementioned data controller and controller. Having said that, and having acknowledged the foregoing, the customer specifically declares to authorize the processing of data
Terms of Use and binding terms of electric vehicle hire
1. VEHICLE RELIANCE - The vehicle is entrusted to the customer provided with standard equipment and circulation documents of which the customer becomes custodian for all legal purposes. The vehicle guide covered by this contract is allowed to adults or minors (minimum age 14 years) if accompanied by an adult. The vehicle is entrusted to the customer on the assumption that he uses it personally by conducting it. Therefore, the customer assumes all risk and responsibility in case of entrusting the vehicle to third parties.
2. VEHICLE CIRCULATION - The customer is authorized to circulate only and exclusively within a radius of no more than 10 km from the place of the activity point. The customer is responsible for the normal circulation of the vehicle as well as its proper use and routine maintenance. In case of need for roadside assistance, the customer can contact the COMPANY LICENSE. The customer expressly accepts to release, within the limits of the law, the COMPANY LICENSE from any claim arising from the use of the vehicle rented in accordance with the contract. The customer will have to reimburse to the FUNDING COMPANY the payment of any penalties and / or contraventions resulting from traffic code infringements imposed during the vehicle assignment period. The customer undertakes to transmit within 24 hours to the COMPANY ALLOCATION every report notified by the public authority. In case of failure to timely transmit the customer will be responsible for any outlay and / or damage suffered by the COMPANY directly or indirectly caused by failure to timely transmit. In the event of penalties and / or contraventions notified to the COMPANY LICENSE subsequent to the end of the rental, the COMPANY LICENSOR is henceforth authorized to resort to legal actions for the return of the sum.
3. CONDITIONS OF USE - The customer acknowledges not being in possession of any real right on the rented vehicle and the accessories supplied and, therefore, of not being able to dispose of them in any way. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to sub-lease the vehicle to third parties in any form. Furthermore, the customer can not under any circumstances use or allow the vehicle to be used for the purposes indicated in art. 2 of the General Regulations displayed at the place of activity.
In addition, the customer assumes the obligation to: (a) drive the vehicle personally and keep it, together with the accessories supplied, with the utmost diligence and in compliance with all applicable laws; (b) ensure the operation and safety of the vehicle during the rental period; (c) release the COMPANY LIABILITY from any claims made by third parties for damages from the latter suffered to the goods transported in the rented vehicle or due to faults or inconveniences to the vehicle; (d) reimburse, upon presentation of an invoice, for any expenses, including legal expenses, incurred by the same to obtain the fulfillment of the pecuniary obligations due to any title and / or reason, expressly including those for unpaid highway tolls , in addition to administrative expenses; (e) use all the anti-theft devices with which the vehicle is equipped whenever it is parked and abandoned, even if in enclosed areas and guarded areas.
4. RULES OF THE ITALIAN ROAD CODE - The customer declares to be aware of the regulations of the current Highway Code, in particular on the main rules that refer to the use of the rented vehicle.
5. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE STANDARDS - For anything not expressly provided for in the General Regulations displayed in the place where the activity takes place (hereinafter referred to as "Reg. Gen.") as an integral part of this contract and in the agreements and conditions set out in the present contract, the parties refer to the provisions of the Civil Code and applicable laws. If a provision of this rental contract is null, such nullity does not determine the invalidity of the other provisions
6. CLAIMS - Should any damage occur, the customer is obliged to immediately notify the COMPANy COMPANY by telephone. The customer must request the intervention of the competent Authority and, when necessary, must file a complaint with the competent Authority. The customer must take care to obtain the data relating to the witnesses and other vehicles involved or, in any case, to obtain all the information necessary for determining the responsibility of the accident occurred. In addition, the customer undertakes to transmit to the LICENSED COMPANY, no later than 24 hours after the claim, a complete detailed report on the "claim report" form, enclosed with the vehicle documents. Finally, the customer undertakes to cooperate with the COMPANY, his insurance company, his lawyer in any investigation or extrajudicial and judicial procedure. For anything not contained in this paragraph, reference is made to the art. 9 of the Gen. Reg.
7. RETURN OF THE VEHICLE - The parties have agreed between the parties, before the start of the rental, the date and time of delivery of the vehicle, and the customer is personally committed to compliance with the agreed. Any variation must be previously agreed in writing with the COMPANY INITIATIVE. A day of hire is considered to be 24 hours with a tolerance of 59 minutes (subject to the closing hours of the store, which the customer declares to be aware of). Once this tolerance period has expired, a further rental day will be charged, as the fractions and the intermediate terms are considered as a whole day. The return of the vehicle must take place during the opening hours of the COMPANY and in the hands of an agent. The COMPANY CONCEDENTE reserves the right to terminate the contract and to take possession of the vehicle at any time in case of violation of the conditions of use agreed, without anything being due to the customer as compensation for damages, or any other security and / or reason. In any case, the customer undertakes to return the vehicle as soon as the LICENSING COMPANY requests it, even verbal. Objects left by anyone left in the vehicle returned to the COMPANY CONCEDENT are considered abandoned, and COMPANY LICENSE is not required to keep them and to return them.
8. LIABILITY FOR CUSTOMER DAMAGES - The customer undertakes to return the vehicle and its equipment in the same conditions of delivery, and therefore also undertakes to reinstate any shortages and compensate for any damage caused, except for normal wear and tear. . For anything not contained in this paragraph, reference is made to the art. 2-3-7-12-13 of the Gen. Reg. In case of punctures to the tires the customer is required to replace damaged tires at his own expense. Return of the vehicle with unrepaired tires is not permitted. In the event that damages of any kind are found on the vehicle, the COMPANY is already authorized to request the sum or retain it from any security deposit.
9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF THE LICENSED COMPANY - The customer agrees to return the vehicle and its equipment under the same delivery conditions, and therefore also undertakes to reinstate any shortages and compensate for any damage caused, except for normal deterioration of use. For anything not contained in this paragraph, reference is made to the art. 2-3-7-12-13 of the Reg. Gen.
10. PAYMENT METHODS - Payment can be made in cash and must be paid in advance. In the event that, for any reason, the payment is not made in advance, it must in any case take place on the date of expiry of the contract together with the return of the vehicle.
11. PENALTIES - Failure to return the keys of the vehicle, even if lost or stolen, will result in a penalty for compensation as contained in the art. 13 of the General Regulations. Failure to return the vehicle to the date and time agreed in this contract will result in the unlawful possession of the customer, and will also oblige the customer to pay a penalty, for each day or fraction of a day, equal to the sum of the daily rental increased by 15% for the first week, and 25% up to the date of redelivery or the date on which the LICENSE COMPANY will be in possession of the vehicle.
12. SERVICES AND UTILITIES - The cost of the rental must be understood inclusive of the following services and utilities: sound system, full charge.
13. TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION - For any dispute that may arise in relation to said contract, the Court of Caltagirone is the competent court.
14. ELECTION OF DOMICILE FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS AGREEMENT - The customer declares and self-certifies under his own responsibility that the address of residence indicated in the attached photocopy documentation is correct, and that for the purposes of this contract any communication and / or notification may take place at this address, subject to modification of the same to be communicated in writing by the customer directly to the COMPANY LICENSE.
15. SOLID OBLIGATIONS - Whoever signs this contract in the name and on behalf of another person and / or company, will personally and solidly answer with his / her own representative of the obligations assumed towards the COMPANY INHERENTIAL.
16. Pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196, the customer is informed that the owner and manager of the treatment is COMPANY CONCEDENT based in Caltagirone Via P. Novelli, 5 / A and that you can request information, changes or deletion of data provided by writing directly to the aforementioned holder and controller . Having said that, and having acknowledged the foregoing, the customer specifically declares to authorize the processing of data concerning him, including the communication and dissemination thereof to third parties exclusively for purposes connected with the performance of the activities of the COMPANY CONCEDENT. This authorization applies to all data collected, up to the express revocation of the data owner.
Place and date. The Customer Acceptance to confirm Flag
In accordance with the art. 1341 and 1342 C.C. the client specifically declares to have read and to approve the agreements and conditions set out in points 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 , and also declares, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1469 ss. C.C., that these clauses were all specifically brought to his attention. The tenant declares also, according to the art. 1341 and 1342 C.C., to have read and to approve the art. from 1 to 14 of the General Regulations of the rental contract displayed in the place where the rental activity takes place which is considered an integral and complementary part of the present rental contract.
Customer: Acceptance for Flag confirmation
2e20 S.r.l.s., with registered office in Via Gesualdo Bufalino, 5 - 95041 Caltagirone (CT), CF and VAT number 05481280872 (hereinafter "Holder"), as data controller, informs you pursuant to art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereinafter, "Privacy Code") and art. 13 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter, "GDPR") that your data will be processed in the manner and for the following purposes:
1. Object of the Treatment
The Data Controller processes personal data, such as name, surname, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank and payment details) as a result, "personal data" or even "data") that you have communicated on the conclusion of contracts for the services of the Owner.
2. Purpose of the processing
Your personal data are processed:
A. Without your express consent (Article 24 letter a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b), e) GDPR), for the following Service Purposes:
- conclude the contracts for the services of the Owner;
- fulfill the pre-contractual, contractual and tax obligations deriving from relations with you in existence;
- fulfill the obligations established by law, by a regulation, by community legislation or by an order of the Authority (such as for anti-money laundering);
- exercise the rights of the owner, for example the right to defense in court;
B. Only subject to your specific and distinct consent (articles 23 and 130 of the Privacy Code and article 7 of the GDPR), for the following Marketing Purposes:
- send via e-mail, mail and / or sms and / or telephone contacts, newsletters, commercial communications and / or advertising material on products or services offered by the Owner and recognition of the degree of satisfaction on the quality of services;
- send via e-mail, mail and / or sms and / or telephone contacts commercial and / or promotional communications of third parties (for example, business partners, insurance companies, other Group companies).
Please note that if you are already a customer, we may send you commercial communications relating to services and products of the Owner similar to those you have already used, subject to your disagreement (Article 130 paragraph 4 of the Privacy Code).
3. Processing methods
The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 of the Privacy Code and art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and more precisely: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Your personal data are subjected to both paper and electronic and / or automated processing.
The Data Controller will process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the Service Finality relationship and no later than 2 years from the collection of data for the Marketing Purposes.
4. Access to data Your data may be made accessible for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A) and 2.B):
- to employees and collaborators of the Owner or Group companies in Italy and abroad, in their capacity as persons in charge and / or internal managers of the processing and / or system administrators;
Pag. 2 a 3
- to third-party companies or other subjects (as an indication, credit institutions, professional firms, consultants, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, etc.) who carry out outsourced activities on behalf of the Owner, in their capacity as external managers of treatment.
5. Communication of data
Without the need for express consent (pursuant to Article 24 letter a), b), d) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b) and c) GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A) to Supervisory Bodies (such as IVASS), Judicial Authorities, to insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, as well as to those subjects to whom the communication is mandatory by law for the accomplishment of said purposes. These subjects will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers.
Your information will not be disseminated.
6. Data transfer
Personal data is stored on servers located in York (UK), within the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Data Controller, if necessary, will have the right to move the servers even outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller hereby ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.
7. Nature of the provision of data and consequences of refusal to reply
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A) is mandatory. In their absence, we can not guarantee the services of the art. 2.A). The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.B) is optional. You can therefore decide not to give any data or to subsequently deny the possibility of processing data already provided: in this case, you will not be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material concerning the Services offered by the Data Controller. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Services referred to in art. 2.A).
8. Rights of the interested party
In your capacity as an interested party, you have the rights set forth in art. 7 of the Privacy Code and art. 15 GDPR and precisely the rights of:
the. Obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;
ii. obtain the indication: a) of the origin of personal data; b) of the purposes and methods of the processing; c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the owner, the managers and the designated representative pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Privacy Code and art. 3, paragraph 1, GDPR; e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it in their capacity as designated representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents;
iii. obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where such fulfillment is it proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
iv. to object, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection; b) to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial
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communication, through the use of automated call systems without the intervention of an operator by e-mail and / or through traditional marketing methods by telephone and / or paper mail. It should be noted that the right of opposition of the interested party, set out in point b) above, for direct marketing purposes through automated methods extends to traditional ones and that in any case the possibility remains for the data subject to exercise the right to object even only partially. Therefore, the interested party can decide to receive only communications using traditional methods or only automated communications or none of the two types of communication. Where applicable, it also has the rights referred to in Articles 16-21 GDPR (Right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right of limitation of treatment, right to data portability, right of opposition), as well as the right of complaint to the Guarantor Authority.
9. How to exercise rights You may exercise your rights at any time by sending:
- a registered letter a.r. at 2e20 S.r.l.s. - Operational headquarters - Via Gesualdo Bufalino, 5 - 95041 Caltagirone (CT);
- an e-mail to .
10. Holder, manager and agents
The Data Controller is 2e20 S.r.l.s. with registered office in Via Gesualdo Bufalino, 5 - 95041 Caltagirone (CT). The updated list of data processors and data processors is kept at the registered office of the Data Controller.
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